Moovax Privacy Policy

1. Introduction

This privacy policy outlines how Moovax collects, uses, shares, and protects the personal information of our customers and website users. We take your privacy very seriously and are committed to protecting your personal information.

2. Information Collected

Moovax collects personal information necessary to provide our transportation and storage services. This includes:

3. Use of Your Information

The collected information is used to:

4. Sharing of Information

Moovax may share your information with:

5. Information Security

We implement appropriate security measures to protect your information from unauthorized access, alteration, disclosure, or destruction. These include administrative, technical, and physical practices.

6. Your Privacy Rights

You have the right to:

7. Changes to the Privacy Policy

Moovax reserves the right to change this privacy policy at any time. Changes will be posted on our website and take effect immediately.

8. Contact Us

If you have questions about this privacy policy or how we handle your personal data, please contact us via email at

Last update date: 18/04/2024

This policy should be reviewed by a legal professional to ensure full compliance with all relevant laws and that it adequately covers all operations of the company.